Hello, I am sidhamo flyr

I don’t like to define myself by a title

But what I do like, is to not be afraid to be myself. I am all for vulnerability over getting it right or perfect. I love people who are willing to stand up for their truth and I am here to meet others from a relaxed place inside of myself. So that I can get out of my way to support you in relaxing fully into your true self.

my vision

vulnerability as the doorway to freedom

The ultimate freedom that we are all looking for in our lives can not be found on the outside. It is an inner state of being. Freedom will be experienced when we live our authentic selves. When we no longer live according to the ideas of who we are or who we pretend to be. Vulnerability is the doorway of getting rid of the masks we wear. The doorway to freedom.

We live in a society, however, where vulnerability is laughed at, seen as weakness, or feared. Especially for men, vulnerability has been shamed for decades. Men are not supposed to cry. We have never had healthy role models who showed us what it is like to be vulnerable. We have never been taught to own and share our feelings. And so we learned to push them away, to judge them, to ridicule them in others and ultimately, to not feel anything at all anymore.

to Inspire, invite and support you in sharing and integrating all the vulnerable places that are hard to feel and expose

my mission

I love to change this relation to vulnerability in people. I love to work with you if you feel that vulnerability is not your thing (yet), but that you do feel that you want to do the work to shift something in your life. I am not here to make you feel good about yourself though. Going into vulnerability means owning our feelings and experience, calling out the unconscious behaviour (blindspots) and helping get to the truth underneath. Only the truth will set us free. Let’s go to that place. Together.

We need others to reflect back to us what we cannot see ourselves

upcoming workshops

For those who feel called to a stronger intensity of vulnerability and therefore (faster) transformation, I offer group work. I am deeply passionate about Men’s work in particular as I believe we need to heal the old masculine wound collectively as men. We are so uncomfortable with our vulnerability, that we cannot deal with the vulnerability of another man. That’s why we need to get together to all meet in that place. 

Are you curious?